
Showing posts from January, 2021

The RPMs - "The Warehouse Demos"

Two-piece powerpop with great hooks and super-catchy choruses. There really isn't a miss on this puppy. All 9 tracks are very well written pop/rock songs. I dare you to leave this thing without at least two tracks stuck in your head for several days. Report back. Honor system.  The only thing knocking this down a couple pegs for me is the production. I know it's a demo, but I'd love to hear these songs with some more oomph. Though these tracks would greatly benefit from it, it will likely never happen. Change my mind (*wink*). Link for music in blog; link for blog in bio.  •Rating: 9.6/10 •Release: January 19, 2015 •Lable: self-release •Genre: punk/powerpop •Full/demo The RPMs - "The Warehouse Demos"

Gorgeous Bully - "N.W.O.B.H.M"

 This 32 track UK based fuzzy lofi indie pop chill fest has the summer vibes to help you sleep... I mean, get through these cold winter months. Some pretty good tracks on this compilation made up of 4 EPs. I imagine this would go great with some lemonade on a hot lazy day. Maybe on a beach accompanying the sounds of crashing waves and hungry gulls. Now I'm daydreaming... •Rating: 8.1/10 •Release: May 1, 2016 •Label: Z Tapes Records •Genre: Lofi, indie pop •Compilation Bandcamp

Cabin Radio (Week-02)

 Cabin Radio (Week-02) Playlist Black Death - "Night of the Living Dead" Lords Of The New Church - "Lil' Boys Play with Dolls" Dearly Somber - "Apathy" Pkew Pkew Pkew - "Asshole Pandemic" Chicha Libre - "Primavera en la Selva" Vanvidd - "Gamle Erik" Gurr - "No New Friends" Substantial - "Home Sweet Home" Steve Bug, Richie Hawtin - "Low Blow" Hobart Smith - "Cuckoo Bird" The Dynospectrum - "Anything Is Everything" Grave - "Unknown" Woongi - "Fire's Dead" Pimp - "Lap Dance" Floral - "2021" MF DOOM - "THAT'S THAT" Voivod - "Moonbeam Rider" The Deathray Davies - "Talking with Friends" Tank and The Bangas - "Smoke.Netflix.Chill"